Monthly Archives: January 2010

Haiti and Me! Or Us?

Can you believe the news? Can you even comprehend what your eyes are seeing? The pain, the death, the disturbing images, the unbelievable hurt that other human beings are experiencing. Can you even really begin to comprehend what they are going through?

I know I can’t.

I have no idea.

I can’t even begin to understand how they must feel.

Beyond that, there is a bigger question that has been chewing away inside of me. A question that burns and makes me wonder. What can I do to help? I’m not a missionary, I’m just one person. What is it that I can do? How much of an impact can I really have on a tiny island nation, thousands of miles away?

What can you do?

After all, you’re a good person right?

Heck, you may even go to church.

You might even claim to have a strong faith in Jesus Christ.

If that’s true, then that faith demands an action.

In fact, you would say that James 2:14-17 is an infallible, perfect verse of Scripture, given from God to man. And that verse says something that demands you act for the people in Haiti.

It demands your attention.

It demands you act.

It says this, “What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, ‘Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well’—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.”

My sons came to me and asked what they could do to help the people of Haiti. I suggested we jump online together to get some ideas. We went to and read up on some of what the people of Haiti’s needs are. I shared some ideas from the website with my boys. Ashton, my 5 year old son, began talking about the people who have died there. He was almost in tears talking about them. His beautiful little heart reminded me that we need to be involved.

The earthquake in Haiti is probably one of the worst, first-hand, life-taking, catastrophic event that some of us may ever witness. My question is, “Where are they Christians? What are we doing for Haiti? How are we being Jesus to the people of Haiti? What can I do?”

What can you do?

If you are looking for an instant way to help, please use your phone and text “Haiti” to 90999. $10 will be automatically added to your phone bill and the donation will go the Red Cross.

This is a terrible, tragic time for the people of Haiti. We can step in and help.

New Life Christian Church also has a ministry called P4N (Passion 4 the Nations).  Click here if you would like to see the two organizations we are closely tied to and how you can help.

New Home! New Team!

When it comes right down to it, I will always be a Chiefs fan.  However, with our recent move to the east coast, I want to try and at least enjoy the football out here.  It’s a great way to connect with the sports, as well as the people here.  With that being said, I created a poll to help me decide on a new team to root for here on the east coast.  I need you to vote.  Then vote again.  After you have voted, feel free to vote again.  The poll will close soon.  The team with the most votes when the poll closes is the team I’ll be cheering for. As a side note: I won’t ever cheer for the Patriots. So don’t bother adding them into the “other” blank (that means you Mr. Johnson).


Time for another edition of Cultural Awakening’s, “Question of the Day.”  Okay, maybe more than one.

What do you think about New Year’s resolutions?  Do you make them?  If so, what kind?  Why do you think so many people fail at keeping their resolutions throughout the year?