Monthly Archives: September 2009

The Church and Sex!

It’s a topic that the church rarely discusses.  When sex is discussed it is usually in context of how evil and dirty it is.  Most often is associated with a guilt trip or manipulative message designed to scare us away from something that God built into us and created us for.  Within the covenant of marriage that is established by God, there is nothing more beautiful than a healthy physical relationship with your spouse.

There are many who have taken sex and turned it into a show for the world to see.  Many have seen a porn magazine or adult film while others frequent adult bookstores.  There is one problem for our culture with sex being done this way.  The problem is that it’s not anonymous enough for us.  We want to stick to our fetishes and our fantasies with a little more privacy.  And as the blog below shows, the internet has allowed us to do that.

Here’s the scary part.  Most people want to make a huge divide between the church and the sex industry.  Yet, how different are they really?  Especially when it comes to anonymity.  Ready to stretch yourself and your view of the church?  You should really read this blog and on twitter follow @JesusNeedsNewPR.  So what are you waiting for?  Go and read the blog.

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